One boring afternoon in my old office two years ago, I was introduced to the world of blogs and flickr. Sandra's blog was the second one I stumbled across and little did I know that two years later I would hang out with her and her man in lovely Gothenburg. It's the first time I've met up with a fellow blogger and I can't even begin to tell you how fun and exciting it was. Sandra and Johan were perfect company and there was lots of walking, food, fika, vintage window shopping and picture taking. So much in fact I'll have to show more tomorrow!
oh it sounds like a perfect meeting! sandras was also the second blog i found when i started peeking in this world only 10months ago. its funny how this world already feels like home :)
ReplyDeleteGu vad jag gillart när man tänker sådär på det man gör och... ska göra. Tänk va man inte visste då, som man vet nu - och vad man inte vet NU men som man vet SEN!
Så fina bilder. SÅ fina bilder!
Det är så roligt! Sandra-miljö på Famapa-bloggen! När blire tvärtom? Jag som trodde ni kände varann från början utanför lö blåg.
ReplyDeleteO yes, Sandra o Johan är verkligen helt perfect änna. Visar bästa fikaställen också! Tycker med!
Sista bilden va himla dramatiskt snygg..
I've just discovered your blog ... So BEAUTIFUL ! I'll come back again ! :)
ReplyDeleteunderbart att ni möttes till slut. Er gemensamma blogg är superb. Ni är så samstämmiga, men ändå annorlunda.
ReplyDeleteJag har än så länge lärt känna Camilla Engman och Thereza Row (=tiny red) i bloggvärlden. Visst är det en pirrig känsla att träffa någon man "bara" känner via intrnet...
it sounds exciting! Blogs connect us with interesting people that you wouldn't have the chance to meet otherwise. im really glad to have found the world of blogging.
ReplyDeleteHow funny is that? Just came back from Göteborg last night, and find out now you were there aswell!
ReplyDeleteWhat a really small world this is sometimes!
What a great story - looks like you had a lovely time. Great pics.
ReplyDeleteoh what fun! it really is such a strange thing to meet an internet friend.
ReplyDeletebut a good strange.
it always blows me away how easy it is, like you'd met a hundred times before for fika and photos.
claire: hey you, good to "hear" your voice! it is, isn't it, easy I mean, and so heart warming too.
ReplyDeleteI still owe you an email, I'll reply when things have calmed down a bit - hope you're well!
you photo freaks ;D it was meant to be !