I've never really travelled around Sweden so wandering the streets of Gothenburg with my perfect guides was a real treat. GBG is a great city with a laid back atmosphere and walking around I was reminded of lots of other cities; Amsterdam, Osaka, Stockholm and Seville (!). You'd turn a corner and the architecture would change completely. My second day in the city was spent taking in the world of Smosch, it was so much fun to see it all for real. I hope I get to go back soon :)
Gothenburg is just as you describe it. I hope you can return and use all the inspiration for your life back in London. Happy for you!
ooh vad fina dina bilder är! vad roligt att se! jag hoppas du get to go back soon också, göteborg saknar dig :)
ReplyDeleteSuperfina göteborgsbilder!
ReplyDeleteLamporna med dockorna, var är det?
it so looks like göteborg has the best cappuccinos! always so perfect!
ReplyDeleteflygande fågel på sandras blogg o här en flygande karl..! Wiho! :D Fina lampor ...o speglingen på gubben...
ReplyDeleteyeah it lokks like a great experience. Gothenburg seems areally nice city.
ReplyDeletenaaaw vilka fina bilder på rad! gillar ALLA!
ReplyDeletebalkongerna är ju roliga. man kan inte stå med naken underkropp INNE, man får gå ut på ballikongen om man ska... flukta sej utan att bli stirrad på. om man nu..är sån. ha ha. det kanske bara var min association.
jag ska återgå till arbetet.
I'm intrigued about your comparision of Gothenburg and Seville!
ReplyDeleteSome really nice pictures too.
looks like a great trip! how nice that you all got to meet up!
ReplyDeletei found your blog this evening, and i honestly think it is the most heart-warming, inspiring thing I have ever found on the internet. Here is a link to a website which you will like, which reminds me of your blog:
I am so happy to have stumbled across this, your photos are wonderful.
Grace x
så roligt att se bilder när ni umgås i götet, min hemstad i tre år för snart tre år sedan!
ReplyDeletehej everyone, thank you for your sweet comments!
ReplyDeleteemma: dude, you're mind amazes me :D
grace: goodness, thank you! that's so nice to read! thanks for the link, I had a look, is it supposed to be a slideshow or is it just one image a day? I guess I'll find out if I go back there tomorrow :)
oj jag glömde och svara dig charlotte, lamporna är inne på prickig katt på övervåningen.
ReplyDeleteAha, där har jag bara varit inne en snabbis en gång. Ska gå dit och kolla igen. Det är en rolig butik.
You got to say 'hello' to one another in person... that's very cool ! Enjoy the rest of your time away.
ReplyDeleteHi, it's one image every day, I like it because it's so fleeting, there's no archive, which is sad but lovely at the same time.
ReplyDeleteYou've made me want to start my own blog! Thank you for sharing your interesting and visually pleasing life with us, take care x
Nice blogg! And I was surpriced to find the lamp I made for prickigkatt in Gothenburg! It´s alwasys nice to find your own things in unexpected places:)