Kitchen buddy
Whether I'm making dinner or breakfast, Buddy will be there, keeping an eye on everything, making sure I'm doing it right :)
Went to the Photographers Gallery last week to see the Roger Mayne exhibition (which was a bit meh), and ended up going to have a look at the Deutsche Börse Prize nominees as well and fell in love with Awoiska van der Molens work. Just wonderful! Huge hand printed black and white shots of nature that somehow manage to evoke the sense of being there, hearing the silence. If you're in London, I recommend going to the Photographers Gallery just to have a look at her entry. This shot is from the the Taiyo Onorato/Nico Krebs exhibit, which was a bit disorientating to look at to say the least - haha!
Sunday snippets

Down at the Gallery
A couple of weeks ago I watched a great documentary about the National Gallery on DVD, as I was too tired to go out on an art expedition myself. The film is three hours long, with no narrative, no talking heads and no voice over. It felt just as rewarding to watch it as it would have been walking around the gallery in person. I've been there plenty of times, but it was really interesting seeing what happens behind the scenes, especially in the restoration department. Last week I went down to the National Gallery to have a look round again, finding the art that had been featured in the film as well as snapping pics of my fellow visitors. Most large museums and art galleries here have free admission, which is lucky, as it's great to be able to re-visit gems like these over and over again. So maybe I should stop moaning about how crap London is now, eh?
Letting the light in

How do you deal with winter? Every year it rolls round I feel life drain out of me, and I find it hard to get anything done. I basically hibernate and wait it out, not forcing anything. This winter has been much better than last year's, as I've learnt to accept that this is what happens (to me), and that I don't need to feel angry or guilty about it. It will pass. And now, just as it's getting lighter for longer, a little warmer and the trees are budding/blossoming, I'm starting to feel my old self creep back. Now I manage to drag myself out, topping up on all the things that I enjoy; meeting friends, running in the woods, going to museums and carrying my camera again. So this picture symbolises exactly where I am right now, ready to face the world again, and hopefully getting shit done.
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