
By the river

On Saturday we went for a nice walk along the Thames. We started at Borough Market where we browsed the foodstuffs on display and then we walked along Bankside where Mum could collect some new additions for her stone collection. I had no idea that lovely sign was even down there, I love the colours made be the algae. It was so nice to see people hanging out on the beach, I still can't get over the fact that you can just wander down there tide providing. I wouldn't dare touch the water though. If I put my hand in it I'm sure I'd come out with seven fingers.


  1. I love that Bankside sign with the big, green letters!

  2. haha, vattnet är säkert äckligare därborta än i gbg, men jag fattar inte hur folk kan äta fisken de fiskat nere vid kajen. den har säkert tio ögon

  3. never thought you could do that! the sign is cool, but I wouldn't dare even sit on that beach though, ha, ha... :)

  4. i really like your photos..came across your site on "from my swiss window"..

  5. ultimately life-affirming

  6. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your photos. I left my hometown of London just over a year ago and it's lovely to see how you capture it - it takes me back there for a bit...


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