Just in front of the Saatchi Gallery there's a huge schools sports ground and when we were there a couple of classes were having their PE (physical education) lesson. This being Chelsea the kids were kitted out in their posh uniforms and all the girls in one class had to do their running in their mary janes! It brought back memories of my school days and how much I loved PE. Especially track & field (the 60m sprint and the long jump being my absolute faves)... Did you enjoy it and if so, which sport/s?
Oh, and happy Friday chums!
Oh my goodness, the uniforms are adorable! I wish I was a British schoolchild!
ReplyDeletejättefina bilder, älskar färgerna!
ReplyDeletejag gillade orientering:)
vicka fina bilder - vicka tråkiga skor att springa i!
ReplyDeletefast det hade varit rätt gott att ha uniform på gympan istället för att välja tiiishört varje gång. ;)
i högstadiet gick jag i samma klass som 20 biffiga fotbollsungdomar och var rädd att bli trampad på. -hade jag haft gymnastik med samma inställning som NU hade jag lubbat och tagit i som f*n på idrotten iställe (kanske skulle sammankalla till en idrotts-re-union? "klädsel: cykelbrallor och mary janes!").
I was lucky enough to be able to go sailing with my school - now that I LOVED. Football and cricket - meh. I was never good enough.
nej fy, ogillade allt vad idrott hette. redskap o bollsport, hu! int hade vi såna snygga skoluniformer heller, då hade det känt mer fancy.
ReplyDeleteöversta bilden ä görfin!
jag tog varje chans jag kunde och skolkade från skolidrotten. det var iofs bara ett halvår sen jag gick i gymnasiet, så min inställning till idrotten är oförändrad. fina bilder som alltid - speciellt den högst upp!
ReplyDeleteSkolidrott - ryyyys! Det var 14 år sen jag gick i skola med gympa, men jag minns det som igår, hur liten jag var. Speciellt när det var bollsport. Ångest!
ReplyDeleteälskade gympan, speciellt i högstadiet då vi hade världens bästa lärare, i nian kom hon ihåg vad jag hade haft för problem med knäna i sjuan! härligt att känna sig tänkt på. i gymnasiet gick jag med massa människor som färgade håret svart och hatade allt vad sport hette. själv färgade jag också håret men älskade sport ändå! /
ReplyDeleteBrr... Are you joking? I sware, for the french kid I was (and for the now-grown-up people I know), PE was the worse lesson of all!
ooooh, thanks everyone for your comments! so fun to read as it was such dividing subject, you either loved or hated it I guess...
ReplyDeletei like those uniforms, somehow very cute. we never had them in finland.
ReplyDeletei was never too good in anything else than running. long routes, and especially cross country in the woods. that i sometimes like to do even now:)
we had really ugly uniforms, and i, mieke, hated nothing more than sports in school in the whole world! i was bad at everything! when i see these pictures i feel it again, but than, i'm superhappy i never have to go to sportclass again ;)
ReplyDeletewow...wish I went to school in britain and wore crazy cool PE uniforms. instead of the UgLy heather gray and maroon we had...
ReplyDeleteI would have to say dodgeball...do they play that in britain?
I know exactly what school that one is and those jumpers and sock look sooooo scratchy!