
Outtakes V: Down and up

I love how graphic everyday things become seen from both above and beneath. My old boss taught me the importance of always looking up and I haven't stopped since. There are so many hidden treasures up/down there that sadly most people might miss.


  1. thanks for reminding us of this, it is so true!
    i will try and remember it.

    p.s i love your blog!

  2. You are my best treasure! I love you.... and thanks for your beautiful pictures which are a big part of my days over here in the Philippines!

  3. that´s so true! thanks for reminding. i will take this as a motto for the day :)
    these photos i could look again and again!

  4. i think your pictures are simply beautiful!

  5. jag njuter av varje bild. trapporna! hallååå trapporna!

    har också lärt mej att titta opp opp opp. det är skönt att lyfta blicken ibland. t.ex. i städer man är van vid - de ser plötsligt annorlunda ut. (och när man är petite som jag måste man glo oppåt hela tiden) :)

  6. I like the way you notice things :)

  7. barn är duktiga på att titta upp. De ser sånt man inte ser. ja, och så du!

  8. so true! some of the best things in life are found by looking up!


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