
Outtakes VII

Yes, it's that time again... Time to set free some of the thousands of images that live on my hard drive that never get to see the light if day. Oh... and I have a brilliant (well I think so) link for you today... My favourite keys are W, I and X. Just click on the screen and then use your keyboard. Booboom tizz!


  1. "U" gör mig lycklig.
    Och ditt inlägg, verkligen otroligt vackert!

  2. your outtake posts are some of my favorites. and, that drum machine! i could lose some serious time punching keys.

  3. but what outtakes! i like the wooden man with the star hair in particular. i think i will make myself an outtake folder right away. can never find those ones that didn't quite fit in but still deserves to see the light of day. cool drumset link - so many good beats and wham sounds. (v,m) i just realized yesterday who i would like to be stuck in a lift with( couldn't think of any when i made the post) david lynch! i have so many questions for him.

  4. riktigt bra länk, vill kunna trumma...detta blev en bra lösning!

    lilla slitna trägubbefiluren är såå fin med tagg-stjärnan bakom! som ett littät jeusbårn.

  5. HAHA! B! B! B! B! B! BAM!
    asbra länk! och lilla gubben på bild två alltså jag säger bara BAM! B! B! B!

  6. what a perfect way to start the day! i like n, m, v, and b. letter m sounds like george michael.

    i am happy you posted the photos :)

    have a beautiful day!

  7. Woooo, great link haha! Thanks!
    Even tough I play the (real) drums myself, this is a good alternative!

  8. I recommend checking out the new exhibition at Tate Britain - 'Symbolism in Poland and Britain', really wonderful paintings.

  9. I love how your outtakes form a group distinctly their own--how clever they are! And , how clever you are! Grey, dirty-gold and a little red... wonderful.

    Off to play further with that link now...

  10. cool photos! and thanks for the link! bum bum tzäh däy!!

  11. your pictures are incredible.

    i especially like the staircase photo - such perception!

  12. clearing the hard drive! can be a drag sometimes


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