... both of which involved the front door. At 7am (!) the doorbell rang and Mr Postman delivered my long-awaited Padraig slippers. I'm addicted to slippers (ha! I'm getting old!), I go through about three pairs a year (I even wear them in summer) and I think these should last me a loooong time. It was like walking on warm little clouds all day. Later in the morning I got a surprise visit from my friend N who joined me for a late breakfast. I reckon spontaneity is a great personality trait. Go do something spontaneous today, it's good for the soul!
guvafiiina! och vilken fin testund med lilla my inblandad med.
ReplyDeletejag ska vara såhär spontan: gå och lägga mej igen och somna OM och bli frisk. [sobna obb o bli fdisk]
det känns iofs ganska spontant ist. för att som vanligt gå upp sju o köra arbetsdag...
+sista bilden är så stillsamt roli o fin.
Spontaneous friends for breakfast sounds like a perfect way to start a day, and those slippers look super comfy and cute!
ReplyDeleteThese photos are a great way to start the day. Thanks
ReplyDeletegulliga ulliga toffler, ser ut som nåt ur en saga. gosit!
ReplyDeleteÅ jösses vilka fina tofflor!
ReplyDeletethe slippers are super-look a little bit Japanese I think.
ReplyDeletei've been wearing totes slipper socks for the last couple of weeks and now i have serious slipper envy!
ReplyDeleteNice warm cozy slippers ;)
ReplyDeleteNice last red circle photo...
Okay, I´ll take IB for a walk NOW...thats very spontaneous...haha...
Åh vilka kuliga bilder som vanligt, sista var ju bäst!
ReplyDeleteTyget på bordet var görsnyggt...man undrar ju var ett sånt tyg finns :-)
infing: tack! tyget hittade jag på rea på marimekko för några år sen, de brukar ha deras mönster i sortimentet rätt länge så det kanske finns fortfarande :)
ReplyDeleteså mjuka dom ser ut! och fina!
ReplyDeleteMy kids had these slippers (hand me downs) I didnt know that they made them in adult sizes too. I think i may have to get some... i too like you love my slippers!!