
Back in the day

Time for a cross-processed flashback! It's so grey and dreary here in Londontown right now that I have to inject myself with these colour shots or I might go colour blind soon. I think these are from '97-'00, from some of my Lomo days in LA, Stockholm and London. Jeez, time flies! Hope you all have a brightly coloured weekend ;)

Oh and much love to my cousin who's getting married today in Stockholm, so sad that I can't be there, have a great day kusinvitamin!


  1. pingvinerna min vän, pingvinerna. ojojoj. de ligger redan på min hårddisk i inspirationsfoldern. ska svara på ditt fina mail när jag kommit iordning på nya bänken, den står och torkar och härdar tills imorgon. kram och fin helg.

  2. it's mangona in my old loft!!!!

  3. hey kanjil kanjil, is mangona already 10??? was it back in '98? man, that loft was huge!! I forgot I was supposed to scan in the pix from those days! I'll get on it soon, I promise! xxx

  4. hey, what nice photos. i love the one with the doll and the one with the jumping shadow especially. did you ever finish yellow sun? if so, what did you think? i think i liked it better than purple hibiscus, which i read soon after.

  5. jill:thanks! I've only got to chapter four of yellow sun, I'm enjoying it so far, am sad to say that the internet is taking me away from my book reading... I seriously need to ration my surfing time!!!

  6. I agree with Jill: that doll over the shelf is a good picture. It reminds me of my childhood. I used to undress every doll around the house; thought they looked better that way...
    I'm glad to see you have colour medicine in your closet to cheer up your london days... I've heard london summer has been pretty awful this year.

  7. omygod, is mango 10????!!!!! i don't think so, i think that was 99, or right before new years 2000...

    anyway he don't look a day over 3, innit.

  8. The fourth pic showing the shadow jumping is a good catch.

  9. jäättefina foton! gillar hopp-skuggan i den sista bilden:)

  10. haha..Det e ju 90s-Milk på den sista bilden..Minns den dagen. Har också Lomo-nostalgi dessa dagar. Scannade nyligen in lite NYC bilder som fick mig att undra varför Lomon samlar damm idag.

  11. hello all! glad you guys enjoyed a bit of lomo goodness!

    kanjil kanjil: (i'm calling you that from now on!!)
    mango is the eternal sweet little fellow :)

    fresh-milk: det var en fin dag eller hur! så bizarrt att man bara kunde strosa in så där... ja... min lomo har nog legat oanvänd i åtta år eller nåt. kanske ska kolla om den fortfarande fungerar, kram!


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