I know you guys already know this, but reading blogs can spur you on to do things you might not normally do or lead you to hidden treasures that you never would have found otherwise. A few days ago I read this post on fanja's blog and thought "Hmmm, maybe I should go and check the Victor & Rolf exhibition out after all..." and I'm so glad we did (my sis came too). It was amazing! I really didn't know that much about them but I'm a huge fan of theirs now. Unfortunately I couldn't sneak any pictures from inside so I'm afraid you'll have to do with these instead. There are some pictures on the exhibition link above where it says "view images". Have a looksey!
oh i'm so glad you loved it as funnily i was thinking the same thing - that it wouldn't have been top of my list but having read such good reports of it, it might be worth going to. it is on the list of things to do with a house guest this weekend!
ReplyDeletefint sådär när man blir tipsad och gör slag i saken!
ReplyDeleteoch dessutom blir berikad! :) jag läste om och såg bilder från utst. i senaste FORM. såg fint ut!
fina foton. gillar den på dig (?) i cirkeln. och .. de andra med för den delen. sniggt.
lottie: wrap up warm when you go, it was freezing in there! I think they had to have the ac on really high to keep all the projectors cool... hope you like it too!
ReplyDeleteemma: tack! det är syrran som du ser där nere (vi är båda korthåriga nu för tiden!) :)
jag försökte lämna kommentar hos dig idag men det gick inte! ville bara säga vad fina väggar du har, vill se hemma hos reportage hos dig nu!
hi Famapa, i'm glad my post prompted you to go and see the exhibition, I too was won over by the genius of these two. have a lovely weekend x
ReplyDeleteoh fanja, I had no idea it would be so brilliant! thank you for recommending it or I would have missed something pretty special! have a great weekend! x
ReplyDeletesuchis !!!!!! my new passion :D
ReplyDeleteah - ett bra tips. Den här gången skall jag se till att få tid att föja ditt råd: Victor & Rolf it is.
ReplyDeleteHello! I felt the same as you when I saw the exhibition last friday. I was lucky to be in London to go find out how great their work is. I bought the doll´s postcards and I´ll hang them on my wall very soon!
ReplyDeleteBeijos from Brazil!