
Surprise surprise

garden at 10am

garden at 5pm

Woke up yesterday morning and found that April had been joking around and left a blanket of snow behind. Weirdly I dreamt that it had been snowing that night so now I hope I'll dream the next winning lottery numbers :)


  1. so this is what i missed!?! looks beautiful through your funny eye. miss you. even the snow.

  2. I know! You would have been freeeeeeezing! But at least we could've had a snowball fight :)
    Miss you too!

  3. oj vad vacker gatubilden är! först tänkte jag "men hallå, bilarna står ju åt fel håll!" och blev låtsasupprörd, det är alldeles för länge sedan jag var i england.

  4. har parkerar folk at bagge hallen pa bagge sidorna av gatan, freestylin'! kanske ar det dags att komma over?


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