Am having a bit of a weird start to the year. First a cold and then last week I was ordered to stay in bed for the week by the doctor (don't worry, it was nothing really serious and I'm fine now). My lovely man took care of me, waiting on me hand and foot. It felt weird not doing anything more than staying in bed but I got used to it pretty quickly. I completely get the point of duvet-days now! Of course staying in one place meant that taking pictures was a bit tricky but I had too, it's like a drug to me. If you're wondering what that strange looking thing is in the second picture, it's my pathetic attempt at a snowflake. I'd never made one before which is pretty obvious don't you think? It's not even snowflake shaped! Oh well. Nevermind.
Three new (to me) blogs I like:
Du lyckades förmedla härlig känsla med dina bilder trots ditt sängliggande. Hoppas att du är på bättringsvägen!
ReplyDeletegood that you there was a personal nurse and Mo who took care of you:) and i hope you are now fine.
ReplyDeletewhat is Mo doing there in that photo by the way..?
nemmen då..tråkit. men fint att du mår bättre nu! rolig fruktgubbe!
ReplyDeletejag är inte heller så bra på att klippa snöflingor som du kanske såg i höstas, det blev mer som en totempåle av figurer..ganska kul ändå! surprise liksom.
När jag börja klippa tänkte jag mej resultatet som nåt som Edward Scissorhands kunde åstadkommit.. ;)
men nej! skönt att din man tog bra hand om dig. hoppas du är pigg och kry denna vecka istället :)
ReplyDeletejag klipper oftast fel då jag gör snöflingor, så de går sönder.
hey, sorry to hear you had to spend a whole week in bed. i know the feeling of wanting to take pictures so badly eventhough it means documenting the duvet : ) i think you definitely made the most of what you got!
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ReplyDeletemeeeh, den är fin på SITT sätt :)
ReplyDeleteibland kan det förresten va nyttigt (?) att tvingas ligga still inbillar jag mej.
eller hur känns den tanken? ;)
bra att du är bättre. men jag fattart. ligga där och...bara vara. svårt! mysi o skön kattisolenbild!
Hallo Famapa,
ReplyDeletebeen following your blogs for awhile -- in fact, your "how we say hello" inspired my friend & me to start on a photo collaboration blog too! I've linked you on my blog hope its ok with you...
Also, hope you get well soon:)
& finally... I'd earlier saved a blog entry from Studio Violet on snowflakes (http://studioviolet.blogspot.com/2008/12/snowflakes.html) which I really love and I hope you'll like it too :)
i'm glad you are ok now.
ReplyDeletehello everyone, thanks for your comments!
ReplyDeleteouti: it was the funniest thing (well, I think only pet owners find this kind of thing funny), we opened the curtains and the sun was beating down. mo jumped off the bed and tried to figure out how she could get to the sun, but as it wasn't reaching the floor she couldn't lie down like she normally does to sunbathe. she then bolted to the spare room to check if it was sunny in there (which it wasn't) and then she finally settled for some muted sunshine in front of our telly... a strange sight.
lazykitty: I'm so glad you've started a joint project with your friend, it's so much fun! and of course you can link to me! I checked out the link and now feel very embarrassed by my sorry snowflake ;0)
thanks for listing my blog! blogging is all new to me, so I was very excited to see that you'd mentioned me. i hope you're feeling better. cute bowl of fruit by the way :) x
ReplyDeleteLove the smiley bowl of fruit - hope that cheered you up!
ReplyDeletebest wishes...hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteI thought the paper snowflake was very nice indeed!!
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon, milk, bed,boy and katt sure is a good remedy!
hi hi;) Mo is a funny little cat.. (don´t tell her i said like this. she is sure also the smartiest one!)
ReplyDeleteLovely photos and I think you're snowflake is really funny :)
ReplyDeleteI like this serial!
ReplyDeletewonderful pictures!