The three musketeers

In here and out there

I have a good feeling about this week! It's going to be a busy one so I'm not sure I'll be able to blog everyday but I'll try. Hope yours will be good too :)
Last week

Am having a bit of a weird start to the year. First a cold and then last week I was ordered to stay in bed for the week by the doctor (don't worry, it was nothing really serious and I'm fine now). My lovely man took care of me, waiting on me hand and foot. It felt weird not doing anything more than staying in bed but I got used to it pretty quickly. I completely get the point of duvet-days now! Of course staying in one place meant that taking pictures was a bit tricky but I had too, it's like a drug to me. If you're wondering what that strange looking thing is in the second picture, it's my pathetic attempt at a snowflake. I'd never made one before which is pretty obvious don't you think? It's not even snowflake shaped! Oh well. Nevermind.
Three new (to me) blogs I like:
Time travel V

all pics by the hubby
If I had to narrow down my recommendations for a trip to Japan to only three I would say; stay in a ryokan, visit a temple and make sure you go to Tokyu Hands. When we were in Kyoto we were lucky enough to stay in a beautiful ryokan (traditional inn) that was built in 1818. It was an incredible experience for two Japan-freaks like ourselves. The big meal in the third picture was actually breakfast (for one!) in our room, and yes, I put weight on on this trip... I've lost count of how many temples we went to or which ones but they were all stunning and always full of busloads of school children. The kids would always wave at us and say hello and whisper excitedly about us, there are so few Westerners there (or Somali-Filipinos for that matter) so we really stood out. It gave us a little insight of how it must be to famous. As for Tokyu Hands... how can I best explain it? It's a chain of stores that sells everything. We went to the one in Shibuya in Tokyo and I think we spent two hours there. We bought really random stuff, my favourite being this can of snow spray (told you it was random!). We were so paranoid about flying with it and it exploding in our suitcase, that the hubby emptied all of the "snow" into a plastic bag in our hotel room. We nearly passed out from all the fumes. Anyway, I'm rambling now so I'll shut up. Have a great weekend!
Time travel IV

Looking through the Japan pictures I realised that on this trip it was the hubby who had the funny eye. For the past three years his pictures have been locked away on a hard-drive and I feel that I have to set some of them free, let them get out there and taste freedom. That's me you see enjoying the view from the Mori Tower in Tokyo next to some cool dude in the first photo. That's also me in the fifth picture, I can't tell you how many times I did that stretch, but looking at what I wore on my feet I can see why my back was sore from all the walking. I'll post another batch from the hubby's pics tomorrow and then that will be it for our Japan pictures... until the next trip (fingers crossed!).
Time travel III

These are from Kyoto, Arishiyama and Tokyo. Even though it was a really fun holiday, it was also exhausting. There really was no switching off as I had to pay full attention to where we were and where we were going. Amazingly we only got lost twice in the three weeks we were there.
I think I've got an in-built compass.
Time travel II

For my 30th birthday in 2005 the hubby gave me a trip to Japan. Imagine my surprise! We had both wanted to go there for the longest time and when we were there we really got sensory overload; there was so much to take in. These pictures are from Kyoto, Tokyo and Himeji. I want to go back so badly. I'll show you some more from our trip tomorrow.
Oh and just to give you a flavour: Sushi Conveyor - probably the best video take home from a trip away - ever!
Time travel

Thought I'd do some time traveling this week. These are from 2004, my first year of having a digital camera. I never thought I'd go digital back then but having instant results was/is so much fun!
Photograph of Jesus - a short film about Getty Images. Funny!
Sunday Sunday here again

Spent the day with the in-laws which meant a lot of food, a lot of running around, a lot of laughter and a lot of feeling tired at the end of the day. I guess that's why we all craved such a huge (!) sugar fix at tea-time.
Nothing much...

... going on over here. The weather can't make it's mind up, Little Mo looks at me like I'm a weirdo and I am ridiculously tired. I'm might take a weekend long nap... Y'all have yourselves a good weekend now!

We had the first craft-night of the year last night and lovely it was too. After tucking into pizzas and frozen yoghurt (Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie - OMG OMG) we settled down to get on with our projects. I finally made a start on my legwarmers (so fiddly), I hope I finish them before spring has well and truly kicked in.
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