
Saturday gifts

There I was at home and happy; the house was clean and tidy and there was nothing we had to do but relax and enjoy it. I thought the day couldn't get any better... turns out I was wrong! Later in the afternoon the doorbell rang and a man dropped off a couple of packages, both of which had crossed the pond from Canada. A while back I spotted this polaroid in Claire's flickr stream and I loved the cushions, hoping she would be selling them. But wait! What was this squidgy thing in her package?! Only one of them cushions; for the bubba! Waaaaaahhhhh! Not only that but there was also a beautiful package from Celine with more lovely goodies for the little man! Ladies, we are so grateful for your gifts - I can't quite understand the thoughtfulness and generosity that is out there in blog land. It really is something else.


  1. oh so fun! receiving mail is the best! always love to look at all the stamps as well! lovely cloud-pillow!!!

  2. ooooooooooooh that's cute. There will be more to come I'm sure !

  3. hmm... du glömde en bild i den här posten - den du mailade mig igår ;)

  4. Totally missed the advent of little man in yr blog - fantastic!! & congratulations!

  5. va fina! fick du leverans på en söndag?? kool!

  6. Oh how fun and oh so cute!

  7. So funny that we arrived from the same country at around the same time! And, we both had little penguins somewhere in the gifts! I am glad the bottle didn't break! I was so nervous!

  8. rolig post är nåt alldeles förträffligt guldkantigt! Sött mjukismoln!

  9. Oh lucky you! I totally agree. Those cloud cushions are fantastic!


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