
The last walk

Last week I went for a little camera walk before my midwife appointment; it was lovely and warm and it felt so nice to walk around daydreaming. But my, have things changed since then; the bubba's head has engaged which means walking is a real struggle now (and something I'd like to avoid) and the sun seems to have gone elsewhere. I'm glad that I got to go on this particular walk though, how else would have I known that leaves get tired and need a rest too?

Fliss had her little Art Tui! Yay!


  1. Seems like some one has had a beautiful day walking and photographing around in streets... Beautiful captures! Very creative!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  2. vicken fin sistapromenix ändå ju! Storstilat avslut med "I'll be back"-känsla. FINA SKOR!!
    Och lövpåsebilden är ju så snygg. -Men alltså löv i påsar, jag har alltid känt att ...kratta upp löv o lägga dem i påsar är som att sopa stranden ren på sand...?? Liksom lägga naturen inuti plast och ta bort den från..naturen? Makes no sense? Eller?

  3. Oh good things are coming !!!!! that's great.

  4. Don't think of this as your last walk, please. But perhaps rather your last walk in a long time without a pram!

    Wish you a lot ot energy for the time to come!

  5. so nice of somebody to lend the leaves a chair.
    Boy do i know what you mean about the walking! do you get the needle pricks too from the head? its excruciating! ...and there is still time to go. Sometimes is wish i could ask the baby about its plans: "When do you plan to join us on the outside??"

  6. Just gorgeous :) Good luck! K

  7. like always nice pictures from you! thank you for sharing.Ciao

  8. the light, oh the light, in these photos! now, you and bubba take it easy for a while.

  9. Tänk att ha såna där fönsterluckor!

  10. Your images are always so amazing...I love the one with the houses and the hearts...happy Autumn : )

  11. fint!!!! :) skorna! o lövpåsarna..som potpurripåsar! hoppas det snart blir barnvagnspromenader :) det e sån babyboom var jag vänder mej nu..härligt, fint, häftigt!

  12. Like the leaves.... do rest! (love that picture)
    Wow! engaged already... i remember that uncomfortable feeling all too well!
    Very exciting...not too long now! take care and keep those feet up and have as many nanna naps as possible.

  13. haha that house is adorable!

  14. rest now, you sonn will be a happy but extremely tired mummy.

  15. congrats on all this wonderful newness that is about to come upon you. Lovely photos, as always.

  16. lovely photos...
    and i guess you must be wonderully excited!


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