I realised recently that it'd be too sad to live my life without trying to learn how to play an instrument, especially when I love music as much as I do. I've been listening to 30's and 40's jazz for years and now that a piano has found it's way into our house the dream of playing a Fats Waller song is hopefully within reach. I know that it will take years and years of dedication but I'm so up for the challenge. My first lesson went very well (my teacher happens to be Swedish - see, it's just meant to be!) and I've sat and done my homework for the day and I'm craving more! I'm off to get sheet music books tomorrow and if I'm not careful I might come back with bossa nova, bluegrass and blues books, racing ahead of myself...
This is the song I hope to be able to play a few months/years from now.
Aim for the stars, right?
Good idea, making music is great!
ReplyDeleteWish you perseverance. You playing the piano and the hubby the guitar? Succes!
C, Amsterdam.
wow, ja det vore nåt det, o spela den låten! Du får skaffa en sån hatt med.. :) Lycka till!! Låt gitarren stå lutad mot stolarna, håll dej te snyggpianot!
ReplyDeleteÅh! Ja, vilken fin grej att göra, lycka till!! -En av mina bästa vänner sa för en månad sedan att hon bara varit ihop med musikerkillar genom livet och alltid tjatat på dom "spela den! spela den där!" -men nu när det tagit slut med den senaste i raden gick hon helt sonika o köpte sig en gura - och tog det hela i egna händer!
ReplyDeleteI'M IMPRESSED av er! SÅ bra låt också, grymbra val - hoppas du finner mera bra notböcker! (+snygga bilder. as usual!) :)
thanks all of you for your encouraging words, however the hubby isn't going to be playing the guitar, I just snuck that picture in the studio when the piano teacher left the room! the hubby will just continue to to buy wonderful music; yesterday he brought back belly dancing music and west african 70's funk :)
ReplyDeleteyeah, im really impressed too -i need to get a project like that! something you know will take time to perfect, something with a lot of process
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! I admire you for taking on this challenge, its often been something i think about (learning an instrument) but really i have so much trouble with sheet music.... keep us posted on this journey of yours which sounds like it has become a beautiful past time.
ReplyDeleteYep! aim for those stars, and the moon while your at it!!
I gave up playing an instrument long ago. I'm not made for that. But the hubby is. He's been playing in rock bands for the last 15 years, so he's the one teaching the kids or playing for them at home. I guess I have to take different challenges.
ReplyDeleteI wish you luck and perseverance. Plus, i must say, you've picked one of the most wonderful instruments. The piano is always magical.
That is SO cool...looking forward to hear you play...hihi
ReplyDeleteI got an saxophone... maybe it´s about time to learn to play it...
I hope you find the beat.