The British Summer. IS. A. JOKE. I haven't seen the sun properly for three weeks, I keep warm in wooly jumpers, under blankets and by drinking copious amounts of tea. I'm knitting again as I might have to wear that scarf sooner then I thought. I watch The Moomins to cheer myself up. We've even still got our winter duvet (comforter) on the bed for chrissakes! I wish the British summer was a job so I could quit it. I'll be handing in my notice if it doesn't pick up by next week.
This flickr set makes me long for Swedish summers. They were the best.
And seeing this really rubs it in.
Your photos+Sandra's photos=Really really fantastic!!!
ReplyDeleteyeah the weather is horrible here..nothing like SUMMER
ReplyDeleteI realte completely... Weather has been awful here too. I long for some summer sunrays, beach time and holiday vibe :)
ReplyDeletejag skickar solen till dig nu, den är ju orättvis som lämnar dig i en kall soffa! väldigt väldigt vackra bilder tycker jag. blir lite svalare av dem ;)
ReplyDeletethanks parisa :)
ReplyDeleteyasu: I bet you can't wait to get to Paris! Although I've read some statistic that says that it rains 6% more per year in Paris than in London, but 6% isn't worth quibbling about ;)
omg esti, you have had it much worse than we have, that is a lot of rain!!! call me weird but I would find it far more exciting if it rained that much (as long as houses don't get flooded), I'd be out there in my wellies and waterproofs... but we all love a bit of sun don't we... especially in june!
tack sandra, det funkade, solen ar har och hanger idag yippie!!
vad gör du i englandet?
ReplyDeletemin lillsyrra åkte dit idag. hoppas hon tog med varma kläder;)
gillar stickningen! väldigt fint blir det.
o mumis piggar alltid upp (min kille kan inget om mumin, han trodde snorkfröken hette MUMININA!!) hahaha
vet du, solen har antligen kommit hit lisen, har precis suttit i tradgarden och spelat backgammon, jag forlorade 0-4, spelar battre i vanliga fall :p, och det ar varmare an vad det har varit pa sistonde. jag tror syrran din tog vadret med sig ifran svarje! det ska regna pa fredag and that's it, sol och +23 fram till slutet av nasta vecka... hurra!
ReplyDeletemuminina!!! hahahahaaa, du far lara upp honom ;)
oh dear...sounds like very gloomy weather over there. a little rain is nice, but not everyday. i hope it warms up soon. but, your knitting looks so nice and i love the candle photos up top.
ReplyDeleteYEY! mumin och stickning! (gillar dessa feta stickor!) snygg kopp också. jag ska inte gnälla för länge nu men jag är UN PEU trött på värmen, den är kladdig och påfrestande, gräset KNASTRAR!! stackars gräset. meneee... efter enregnskur får den gärna komma igen. gött att det verkar ta sig nu med solen hos dig! :D
ReplyDeleteAhhhh! The moomins - they're my favorite - especially moominpoppa!
ReplyDeleteyou have the best taste, what a great found your blog is to me :)
ReplyDeleteso you're swedish ?
that would explain the good taste,
(i am a swedish lover freak, and i am moving to Stockholm in a month, CAN'T wait)
alice: so glad you like it! thank you for all your comments. I just popped over to yours (so many!) and which way did he go has such a precious feel to it, I'll have to go back and have proper look). hope you enjoy Stockholm, definitely the best time of year to go, let alone move!