
In the study

I'm parked in front of the computer working on photos at the moment. This is what I'm surrounded by. Every time I sit down at the desk the four-legged friend will come by and say hello. All workplaces should have a four-legged friend hanging out. A donkey could be fun ;)


  1. :) goa arbetskompisar, som en hel armé! haha, Stålis..!

    jag bodde i kollektiv en gång som hade katt...han älskade att ligga PÅ mina original PÅ mitt ljusbord som ju var så varmt o gött.
    Hade inte hjärta o lyfta bort honom...

    Stina brukar med ligga på mina skisser om de hamnat på golvet, får ursäkta mej för en del små pälshår för uppdragsgivarna ibland..heh

    vinkvink med svansen!

  2. just have to tell you i adore your photos:)
    and greetings from helsinki!

  3. Great pictures! I really, really want a four-legged friend (eller en undulat) but in this home some people tend to concentrate on the negative sides of having a pet. I love your blog!

  4. lisen: söta stina, hon vill väl också vara med i den kreativa processen!

    claire: you should get one :)

    outi: thank you very much! london says hello too!

    malo: get a pet! they're such lovely company, an undulat would do nicely!

  5. haha! superman! så snygg och fluffig!

  6. those tiny daft punk are awesome!

  7. =^_^= the cat pic is lovely so orginal point of view !

    Great blog!


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