
Outtakes XVI

I'm going to cheat it again... I'm sure you don't mind. I found this folder on the desktop all ready to go, but I guess I never got round to posting it at the time - which if memory serves me right would have been nearly two years ago. And yes; I don't keep a particularly tidy desktop -  hence there are folders two years old just sitting there... Nevermind! Hope you have a mighty fine weekend y'all!


  1. I'll take pictures of Mo from any year! :)

  2. I must say I'm guilty of a messy desktop as well, which is why whenever my computer crashes I freak out. That little red ribbon shot is so sweet.

  3. How did I miss this one?!

    I am loving your "outtakes"...cause they don't seem to be "outtakes" at all! hahaaaa

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA åååååå vad jag har skrattat åt den där mo-bilden länge!!! ge henne en grattis-i-efterskott-puss från mig!

  5. asså kattporträttet!!! <3<3 och fina svansen....!

  6. What beautiful photographs!


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