
Friday Night Lights

Hello there! I didn't mean to disappear from here this week, but we all came down with colds (Oomoo's fever lasted 11 days in the end!) and I simply didn't have the energy to post. It's been a very cold week here (like most of Europe), but London was spared with just a light dusting of snow whereas some parts of the country got as much as six feet of snow! Anyway, we're on the mend now (and sleeping much better too - five wakes-a-night tending to the Oomster when you're ill yourself is not easy let me tell you!). Hope you've had a good week and that you're having a nice and cosy Sunday!

(I seem to have gone exclamation mark crazy today)


  1. I hope you're all feeling better now :-) This is a most waited come back! Puss

  2. Needless to say, your photos sont extra ordinaires! Bravo...

  3. glad you are all feeling better!
    love the last photo.

  4. Good to hear you are slowly feeling better! It's great to see you back here with yet another set of amazing photos!

  5. en lysande änanäs! :D Fint!

  6. So pretty! I love the light!

    Liesl :)

  7. look forward to seeing you again soon. we've got similar posts today my friend. snap!

  8. I really love the lights in the first photo.

  9. glad to hear you are all feeling better.

    these photos are fantastic, they were worth the wait!

  10. I know you won't believe me, but in south east London (5 mins from London Bridge) we had about 15cms of snow. I felt like a right spanner when I went into the west end wearing snow boots and all wrapped up to find no snow and everyone dressed normally!

  11. How lovely, I adore Melanie's blog !!!

  12. Oh and PS so glad you are feeling better. X


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