
An afternoon in Soho

Last week I met up with Astrid and Mathias (a couple of Flickr amigos) and we duly went for a bit of a photo-safari in Soho. It was a very hot day but there was still a lot of coffee drinking to be had (for them) and mountains of gelato to wolf down (for all of us). Unfortunately I didn't manage many "kills" as it was a bit much to deal with the heat, a cranky Oomoo and my cameras. Oh well.


  1. Fint iallafall, även om hettan var lite för mycket.
    Fotosafari, hemskt bra initativ.

  2. I had such a great time, F. It was really great to meet you and little O. Hope to see you again one day - maybe even in Bergen?!

  3. Sofia: tack! fotosafari är ett måste :0)

    astrid: me too! shame we didn't have more time :(
    we'll have to do it again for sure!

  4. Your photos always bring a smile to my face. I look forward to what you capture next!

  5. Great photos, looks like you're having fun!

  6. I love these. The Milkbar picture is great !

  7. i love the milkbar lettering!

  8. Ah, your pictures make me miss London so much!


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