

Went to check out the Decode: Digital Design Sensations exhibition at the V&A on Saturday; boy was it fun! I love interactive exhibitions, not only is it fun taking part but it's also fun to watch others lose their inhibitions and enjoy themselves. And I love that you're allowed to take pictures at the V&A too! I really want to go back and visit the Quilts exhibition next, but I know now not to go on a weekend, the crowds were ridiculous...


Who are you??

I bet you didn't know that Batman is only three foot tall and has blond curly hair. Oh, and that he can fly and only wears his cape on special occasions. Have a fab weekend!


Gimme shelter

The weather in Londontown is miserable at the moment. Don't get me wrong, spring is most definitely here; it's nice and mild out but it's been raining on and off for days. So the other day when meeting up for lunch with a friend, our plans for a post-lunch walk in the park got hampered by persistent drizzle. The only place to take refuge was at Comptoir Libanais where we finally got to give our cameras a little work-out. Oh sun, do come back soon...

A flat for sale in Malmö - I wouldn't change a thing, apart from the fitted carpets!


Party time

At the niece's birthday party I saw a three that wouldn't behave,
a piñata getting his ass whupped,

the biggest cupcake,

some pretty butterflies hanging out,

some left-over toys

and three balloons huddling together cheek to cheek. Fun!


Little Mo pic of the week IV

Firstly, thank you so much for your comments on the previous post; you are so sweet! Secondly there's been a serious lack of Little Mo pictures here lately... Thing is, I hardly see her anymore (not with the camera in hand anyway) as it's all about the little man right now. She's been great though and Oomoo laughs every time he sees her; it'll be very interesting to see how their relationship will develop. I'm so happy I got this shot of her enjoying a tiny sliver of a sunspot the other day, I think we're all relieved spring is finally here as of today. Happy weekend chums!

Little Mo - my flickr set of the little lady.



This blog turns two years old today! I was going to have a giveaway in place but I've had my hands full (in the best possible way of course!), so check back in next week when I'll have it ready. Thank you all for your comments and support for the last couple of years, you guys are such nice people! I wish I had the time to reply to all of you but there simply aren't enough hours in the day :( Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!


Some randoms

The last of the latest Lomo roll. It seems like spring has arrived in London town, it's +14 C today and it feels so weird; it hasn't been this "warm" since November and now I don't know how to dress to go out, haha! There's rain on the way for the weekend though, so I guess I'll have time to get used to this thing they call spring - gradually. We still have psycho-April to get through after all!


Near dark

I took these at Tate Britain when we were there the other week. As you came out of the Chris Ofili exhibition there was a screen where they showed an interview with him and of course I got distracted by the light coming in from the window.

Some new blogs (to me) in my links list:



1. Inside a lamp.
2. Inside John Lewis.



If it hadn't been for fellow bloggers and flickr friends championing film, my little Lomo LC-A would have continued to languish in the back of a drawer forever. I got him 13 years ago and used to shoot with it like crazy, but then digital came along and even though I said I would never go digital I succumbed - big time. Well, I'm happy to say that I'm shooting film regularly again! I love the wait whilst the film is at the developers; it's such a relief when pictures do come out :) More Lomographs to come next week...

Two songs from the new Gorillaz album that I have been playing to death all week:
Empire Ants (from 02:45 onwards I kinda implode)

Happy weekend peeps!


Why fika of course!

I somehow managed to forget one of the best cures for the winter blues: fika! In fact, sitting in a café nibbling on something sweet and drinking something hot is one of the best things about winter. We went to my favourite local yesterday and I tried their white hot chocolate (see third picture) and let's just say I won't be having it again, it was like drinking hot custard! My strawberry and yoghurt muffin was delish though... Thank you so much for your links yesterday, they really cheered me up and I thought as token of my gratitude I should share this with you. It shouldn't be funny but it is.



London is very grey at the moment so I thought it best to look for colour combinations on a walk the other day. I don't know if it's hormones or just that time of the year but I'm feeling a bit flat right now - anyone else? I tell you what... I'll share this link with you (which I'm sure will bring a smile to your face) and maybe you can return the favour? Kinda like a this-makes-me-laugh exchange? It'll be fun to see what cracks you up!



Some friends and I get together one Saturday a month for a cultural outing, and last week we went to Tate Britain to see the Chris Ofili exhibition. We were all running late yet somehow we managed to arrive at the same time, but at different Tates (the others had gone to Tate Modern - a cab-ride away)! I was the only one who had gone to the right one, and I'm the one who's supposed to be all scatty being a new mum and all! Whilst I waited for the others to arrive I walked around the exterior enjoying the sunshine and this here is what I saw.


Love is in the air

If it hadn't been for the hubby I wouldn't have noticed these two; I was busy looking at some buildings when he pointed them out. And to think I might have missed this little moment - thank you Mr Funny Eye!
Have a great weekend y'all!