

We've been getting into the routine of going out for daily walks in our neighbourhood, which I'm very pleased about. I tend to crave walks and I don't seem to get out that often when I'm on my own (I somehow forget to), but it does both me and Oomoo good to venture outside. Part of the routine is also to have lunch at our local sushi place once a week, I'm so happy to be able to eat raw fish again! These are all little snapshots from our walks. Happy Friday!


  1. Ohhh sushi place once a week ! The best way to take care of oneself !!!
    Your pictures are great as usual, it is great to see you keeping taking great shots !

  2. Each pic is a perfection ! i look forward a book of them !
    Little Omar seems so quite, perfection too !

  3. the doggie in the window is such a fantastic shot. glad you're back to walking out and about ... and now with such sweet company.

  4. Happy Friday! I love seeing the pictures from your walks :)

  5. and think of all that cheese you can eat now.. :)

  6. The first one is my favorite!

  7. ser ut som/låter mysigt!
    mannen på taket där..får svindel av o se!

    Undrar...hur känns det att inte ha den stora magen längre?? Fattar att det måste komma i skymundan av att istället ha en liten bebe, men ändå..? Saknar du den eller är det bara skönt o va utan den nu? :) Trevlig helg!!

  8. låter bra det, och kul:) ha en jätteskön helg!

  9. Oh, sushi once a week... Nice treat! I would miss raw fish too if I could not eat it for 9 months!

  10. oh gosh, would i ever miss raw fish! good to hear you get to have it again. :) have fun on your walks!

  11. i very much like your feet in that photo hehe

  12. ha! i love the dog and reflection!

  13. These pictures are absolutely stunning! I love tree against the sky and those fun boots.


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