
Stay that way

So many parts of London are becoming generic modern visions of what modernity should look like (lots of glass and no personality) and it's all pretty soulless. We found these relics on the way to the Shard, and I wish they'd keep more of them. It was my London anniversary this week (22 years!), and the city is undergoing so much change I'm worried about where it's heading. It's more and more a city for the rich, who buy up property only to keep them as investments with no one living there, so whole neighbourhoods die come evening time, when the people who work in the area leave for home. What on earth will it be like once Oomoo becomes an adult?! He'll either be living with us for a looooong time, or emigrate (insert sad face) - which runs in the blood in my family...


On the street

The other day I took out my phone to capture the light after a rain shower, and as I pulled it up out of my pocket, I saw the man in the hat walk towards me. He looked so dapper and out of place, and I got all excited and waited for him to pass. It was only when I looked on the screen afterwards that I saw that I had travelled in time, and to another place. It was like a Saul Leiter or a Vivien Maier picture had somehow made it onto my phone out of nowhere, except with modern cars in the background. And even though I'd never wear a hat myself, I wish more people would - they're so damn photogenic.


In the clouds

For the third year in a row, we took Oomoo to yet another London landmark, something that's become our own tradition. When he turned three we went to the London Eye, when he turned four we went to the Tower of London and this year we went to the Shard. Unfortunately it was very foggy when we went on Sunday, so there wasn't much of a view to be seen, but we enjoyed it nevertheless. I guess we'll have to go back on a clearer day; I'd love to catch the sunset and see the lights of the city glimmer beneath us as day turns into night...



Someone in the house turns five today. How tha, what tha?! HOW are you already five Oomoo?! He's such a lovely little guy, and I'm so proud of how he carries himself. He's the kind of kid who makes friends in the playground within minutes, he's a great hugger, he loves slapstick, he's got an awesome taste in music, he's generous and he's mastered sarcasm. We're so lucky to have him in our lives, and the past five years have been a blast. Cheers to you my son!


Let there be light

I love sunny autumn mornings at home. Have a great weekend!