
A favourite

For the past 23 years or so I've been fortunate enough to visit my friend A's country house, just a half hour outside of Stockholm. It's insanely photogenic, and the evening light on the particular day we were there this time round was ridiculous. We had a lovely time out there; swimming, eating and playing (and Oomoo got his first bee sting there too!) and I really hope we get to go again. What you can't see in these pictures is quite how packed the island has become, new houses keep being built for people who now live there all year round, and that country side feeling is quickly getting lost. My friend is thinking of selling up and getting something much further out in the Archipelago, but whatever happens, I'll always cherish my summer memories from this very special place.


No people

Some random visual vignettes from Sthlm. The building in the last pic is on a very busy road, and I love the pattern that fumes and dirt have left on it. I doubt it'll look as pretty if/when it gets re-decorated...


Maximum selfie

I was trying to put together some Stockholm posts before bed last night, but I got into all sorts of technical troubles, so they'll have to wait. I should have known I was too tired to plonk myself in front of the computer instead of catching zzzzz's (or reading my bedtime read; Donna Tartt's 'Goldfinch' - sooooo gooood!). Anyway, during this technical hitch I'm posting a selfie I took at Tekniska Museet in Stockholm. Laters!


Stockholm 2014

Looking at these pictures now, it seems like ages ago that we were in Stockholm, even though it was only last week. It was insanely hot when we were there, and we were relieved to come back to a cooler London; but now as I type this, with rain and wind lashing at the window and wearing a jumper and a scarf, I wouldn't mind that heat all over again. I wasn't really in blog mode when we were there, so my pictures from the trip are very random. We stayed in a sweet little flat in a neighbour hood that I've never lived in, just so it felt more like a holiday than it usually does. Those of you who live away from family will know the madness of those trips, when you go "back" to see everyone you've left behind, which quickly becomes a bit like an endurance test. So many to see, in such little time, all over the city. But it's worth it. Seeing Oomoo and morfar (my dad) messing about and having a laugh is a true joy to witness, and I'm very grateful for that. We can always recharge our batteries once we're back home again.


Last Sunday evening

Just got back from a six day trip to Stockholm. It was a hectic few days of intense heat, a couple of swims, lots of ice-creams, meeting up with loved ones and not getting much sleep. Oh, and loads of pictures. I'll be back soon with some more. Have a great weekend peeps.