
The magic lantern

After reading this post on Kate's blog I immediately bought this star projector - ain't it just the coolest? Kinda makes bedtime extra cosy these days. Oh, and these are some of the lullabyes that we all like 'round here; I don't know what we'd do without them (you can buy them on iTunes or here)!

Hope you have a great weekend friends!


Dark place

Went to Tate Modern last Sautrday to check out the Van Doesburg and the International Avant-Garde exhibition which I really enjoyed. I didn't sneak any pictures in there as I was carrying Oomoo for most of it but I did get the chance to have a look at Miroslaw Balka's How it is on my own. I'd been looking forward to seeing it for months but I had pictured it being much darker inside it than it actually was. I imagine going there first thing in the morning before the crowds arrive will do it more justice though. Maybe next time eh?


Grey matter

These are the last of the Lomo roll this time round. London is grey and miserable today so the best way to liven things up is by playing Oomoo's favourite song on repeat. Hope your Sunday is a sunny one!


Just last week in my 'hood

With a Lomo roll of film there is usually one frame that is the picture, the one that makes you so happy, the one you got right. Well for me it was the picture of the puddle! Puddles can be very nice you know... The third pic was a bit of a mistake, as the viewfinder is separate from the lens I couldn't see that my finger was covering it, but I think it makes it more interesting :)


Hello Lomo my old friend

I've been enjoying a few play dates with my old pal the Lomo LC-A recently. I kinda forgot about him altogether but we've been making up for lost time. We've been up to all sorts of fun, some of which I'll show you this week. Some friendships never die!


First family portrait

It might not be your traditional family portrait but it'll have to do! As I'm the person behind the stills camera in this household there are hardly any pictures of me. I really have to make sure that I pass the camera over once in a while or else I will not exist in Oomoo's baby album. I'm planning on making one for him as who knows what format we'll be looking at pictures in the future; as much as digital is instant and handy it's also incredibly stupid :)

Four recent flickr self-portrait favourites:


Flippin' crazy

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the nephew! He's full of beans that one.


Everything is everything

Soooo... we only went to see the best exhibition I've seen in years last Sunday. At the Museum of Everything, 200 exhibits of "outsider" art. I practically imploded with excitement. If you're in London and you haven't seen it you have to go before it shuts next weekend. I was very naughty and snuck some pics for you again, and I did the classic thing of not looking at everything as thoroughly as I would have liked. Lucky then that it's free 'cause I is welldy going back there again this weekend! Happy weekend folks!



Last Saturday night our next door neighbours were having a party, and as they'd warned us that it would be loud we went and spent the night at my brother-in-law's. Ironically there was a party in the building opposite them too that night but it wasn't loud enough to keep us up. The nephew and the niece were excited about having us as house guests and it was lovely to spend the morning with them. I'll post the last pictures from the weekend on Saturday; talk about milking a weekend's worth of pictures!
P.S. The last two pics are by the hubby.


After Eggleston

After our Saturday lunch we realised we were within walking distance of the William Eggleston exhibition at the Victoria Miro Gallery so we made our way over there. I didn't dare sneak any pictures once inside but I took a few pictures inspired by the great man afterwards. Nowhere near as good as his of course!

Check out this post over at the thinking tank for some beautiful Eggleston pictures!


Saturday lunchtime

This weekend was a real treat; meeting up with friends, eating well, going to a couple of exhibitions and a sleep-over. I took a ridiculous amount of pictures so I'll be posting pics just from the weekend this whole week. On Saturday we had lunch at the Albion where I had the best rice pudding ever (see pic 4) and Oomoo got to meet some dear friends whom I haven't seen since the little man himself came along. Looking at that last picture now I regret not tasting that tower of goodness (or should that be badness?).
I might have to go back and try it myself one day :)