
Picking it up

After a week of hardly taking any pictures I finally made myself do it as I'd gotten in a bit of a funk, wondering where my funny eye had gone. Usually a trip or an outing somewhere would bring it back but I guess I just have to bide my time; I know the trip of a lifetime is just weeks away...

Mike Stimpson's Lego re-workings of famous photographs are brilliant.


  1. åh! men ävenom det sker mer sällan så gör du det riktigt bra när du väl gör det. haha, vad gör han på golvet? har han smakat kattmaten o svimmat? :)
    fluffig grönska ni har utanför fönstret, ser ut som den lever nästan... -ta hand om sej nu, med maggen och allt!

  2. I'm glad to see you posted again !
    Love the kitchen pic !
    Lovely day to you Famapa !

  3. the second photo is darling--nothing like a crinkled tabby nose! :)

  4. beautiful photos, sometimes the beauty is right under your nose

  5. I think your funny eye is still a very funny eye but did you know that your funny eye isn't really YOUR funny eye right now , its not only your entire body that becomes swollen with pregnancy, it's your eyes too ...i discovered this when i was pregnant and the optician wouldn't 'measure' me for glasses until I'd had my baby.
    loved that link
    all the best ,

  6. that photo of little mo is the best!!! does little mo know that a new friend is coming?

    And you still have your funny eye!

  7. i'm sure you'll be taking billions of pictures of a cute little something very soon : )

  8. time is precious, lovely photos... we just need to stop!!

  9. Oh what an inspirational fridge!

  10. these pics really made me smile! whatever happened to hubs?!

  11. e & kristina k: he'd had a long day of hard work and finished his dinner plate before me; he needed to lie down but wanted to keep talking to me as I finished mine!

    jaboopee: you make me laugh!! I'm actually on the look out for new glasses but I reckon I should wait unitl bubba is born B0)

    celine: thank you! little mo has NO idea. and she hates kids... but I'm hoping she'll be so charmed with him that she'll behave and be happy with us all!

  12. The Dali Atomicus, esp. with his little moustache


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