Hey folks, just want to say that I'm still here, but am having all sorts of technical fudging crap going on behind the scenes with Blogger, Photoshop and a new computer (as well as retina screens - I had no idea!). I also can't reply to comments, nor does it seem that you guys can leave them if you're on a newish computer, so it's all a bit quiet here. Hopefully it will all get resolved soon; I'm googling the best that I can to try and figure it out, but I feel 136 years old and out of the loop with all the new internet/computer stuff that's happened since I last got a computer. If you have thoughts/solutions/experience that you could enlighten me with, please shoot me an email (find it through my user profile). I hope you're well and that I can resume posting here soon, as I have heaps of pictures to post. Peace out, and hope to be back sooner than soon! Famapa x